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Nicole Recap Weeks of September 27 and October 5, 2002
Arianne Zuker Mania

Weeks of Sept 27-Oct 5

This week Nicole vows to get revenge on Sami because of Sami's consistent blackmailing! While Nicole is sitting in her hospital bed (looking mighty fine--might I add), she figures out how she can get Sami back right there in the hospital! So, Nicole sends a note to Sami, signing it as Brandon, saying to meet him in the morgue of the hospital! Well, as Sami walks down to the morgue, thinking she was going to share a quick moment of passion with her man, Nicole grabs her arm! "Welcome to the morgue, Sami!" (I was rolling during this scene!)

Just as the two of them were about to go at it, they heard voices nearing them...so they both jolted into a supply closet! Unfortunately for Sami, Nicole found a bottle of Formaldehyde to use on Sami! However, Sami eventually escaped after the two rolled around the floor fighting! Finally, after they both realized that they were getting no where, Sami left Nicole in the closet to find her own way back up to her room! And, as Nicole was leaving, she ran into Victor! She made up some lame ass excuse about being restless in that hospital room! UM HUM ....likely excuse WALKER!

A couple of days after the fighting with Sami in the morgue, the doctors gave Nicole very bad news. Apparently, due to some physical strains on her part, she had scar tissue formed over her fallopian tubes, and therefore is unlikely to conceive a child! Even though our Nikki tried to act all tough about the situation, I could tell she was truly devastated!

We all know that any time Nicole has a problem, she has to blame someone other than herself! With that being said, guess who is to blame for this one? Yep, you got it! Sami Brady! Nicole is now more hell-bent than ever on getting back at Sami! She intends to use Victor and his power to do it with! Victor promises Nicole that once she is his wife, Sami and Kate will both pay for all the horrible things that they have done! He says that he will destroy them both for good! When Kate and Sami over hear this, they freak out! Hell, they even consider teaming up to defeat Nicole at her own game! But, the clock is ticking!!! Who will come out on top? Will Kate and Sami find a way to stop Nicole? Will Victor put his plan into action sooner than one might think? Will Nicole and Victor say I do? Stay tuned! Ladies and gentlemen, the BATTLE OF THE BITCHES has begun!