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Take Five
Arianne Zuker Mania

Take Five (Soap Opera Digest June '01)

SOD: What is the greatest life lesson you've ever learned?
AZ: "I don't think you ever stop learning lessons, but one thing I have learned is to never make the same mistake twice."

SOD: You've been given the chance to host your own late-night talk show. What would you do to make your show unique?
AZ: "I would have a ... actually, I don't want to give that secret away just in case I ever do a late-night show."

SOD: If you could write a sequel to any movie, what movie would it be?
AZ: "My sequel would be with any kind of action hero movie like Batman or X-Men. I like fantasy, heroes and good vs. evil. It's the kid in me!"

SOD: If Chanukah were tomorrow, what gift would you most want?
AZ: "I'm more of a gift giver. I enjoy other people's happiness."

SOD: How do you like to spend a day off?
AZ: "I like to spend my day off at home. There is nothing better than being somewhere you feel safe and cozy."